Legends of the Lair
Tiku: Rantings and Ravings? Oh, so you don't trust us enough to stay on topic?

Julieanna: Okay, no offence, Liv, but seriously? You're the one we need to worry about getting distracted.

Livi: OI! It's MY freaking blog! Can I at least have the first word?

Nata: Obviously not.

Mowo: Oh! Maybe, since it's Livi's blog, she meant her rantings and ravings!

Livi: The crap?! NOW is when you choose to be smart?!

Mowo: (shrinks back a bit) I'm sorry...

Tiku: Okay, whatever, this is stupid. Look how much space we've taken up, and we still haven't even said anything about the site!

Livi: We're not talking about the site!

Julieanna: Then what ARE we talking about?

Livi: I don't know! That's why it's called "Rantings and Ravings"!!


Julieanna: I wish you could talk to yourself for five minutes. Just so you can see exactly how stupid you sound.

Livi: What?!

Nata: Wait a minute... why is it your blog?! Isn't this our site?!

Livi: (glares) Oh, shuttup, Nata.

Mowo: Oh! Oh! Oh! (waves her arms around) I think we should talk about the site, since this is our first blog post and all!

(everyone turns to stare at Mowo)

Tiku: Since when are you the smart one?

Mowo: (pins her ears back) Shuttuuuuuup.

Livi: AN-Y-WAY. Okay, uh... site stuff!! IT'S FINALLY POSTED!!!

Julieanna: Yay, so we finally exist, right?

Livi: OI! LEAVE ME ALONE!! (mumbling) I swear, I got enough of this from Shannon...

Nata: Okay, so what alls on our site? (clicks a few random pages) What, this is it?

Livi: Shuttup! It'll be more soon! Lay off!

Mowo: Seriously, though, you've been working on this for months and this is all you have?

Livi: What the he-- you know what?! I'm done talking to you!! (storms out of the room) Handle the freaking site yourselves!!


Tiku: (Grins) Cool! The site's ours now!! We can do whatever we want with it!

Mowo: Yay! (high-fives Nata) Okay, I'll work on getting an artwork page up.

Julieanna: We need, like, a Guestbook or something.

Nata: Oh, I can take care of that right now. (click click click) Voila. Guestbook.

Tiku: (sarcasm) Oi, don't get too excited now.

Mowo: Whatever! Look, is there anything else we need to do?

Tiku: Hmmm... (click click click) Home page looks good... where's the--oh, we're in the Blogspot. The character pages are--I thought Livi was planning to do pictures with them?

Livi: (from a different room) LEAVE ME ALONE!! I'M WORKING ON THEM!!!

Julieanna: Translation: "Yeah, right, like I'm actually going to do that"

Tiku: Tch. Nice.

Mowo: Where's the actual stories? Isn't she publishing the arcs?

Nata: (click) It's right there. There's a link to the story on FictionPress.

Mowo: Oooooohhhhh. Mmm-kay. I'm going to get an Art page ready! (scampers off)

Julieanna: (stands up) I'll go see if I can convince Livi to do anything else productive today. You two can play with the site if you want--Liv said it was ours now.

Tiku: (slams a fist on the desk) I want more banners! Of us!! All the banners are Livi!!

Nata: Ew, and they're all the same. (calls into the Lair) MOWO!!! MAKE US SOME NEW BANNERS!!!

Mowo: (pokes her head in) But, the Art page--

Nata: Can wait!! Banners!! Now!!

Mowo: (sighs) Fine. I'll work on the stupid banners.

Tiku: Awesome! Meanwhile, you and I can hop over and host the Guestbook!

Nata: (claps her paws) Fun!!
8/4/2010 08:24:24 am

Durithyll: the frikken crap Livi! what took you so long!?

Jacob: hey! we actually beat the Crew!

Daiyori: well lookit that, looks like Durithyll CAN do something right!

Durithyll: ha! we DID beat you! you guys can take your fancy house, and cars, and money, and whatever the heck else Nata got yall, and shove it! oh!

Roake: How bout we try to keep this somewhat civil, hm?

Jacob: heeeeeeey... how come they get to run their site?

Durithyll: what?

Jacob: (turns the laptop around and points at the screen) right there! Livi lets the others screw around on the site!

Durithyll: (grabs the laptop protectively) because she's stupider then me! i, personally, do NOT want out site to crash and burn in a miserable pile of internet data!

Jacob: We won't crash it! you get to hog all the fun!

Durithyll: (wraps her arms around the laptop, trying to hide it from Jacob's prying arms) back off! (looking down at the integrated webcam) Livi! look what you've done ya little tard!

Jacob: (stops trying to smother Durithyll for a moment) (grins) iiiii have an idea.

Durithyll: (looks up very suspiciously)

Jacob: (runs off and out the door)

Durithyll: ok. ANYWAY (back to the screen) Livi, very happy to see your site up and running!

Daiyori: Hm. you know, it would be fun to be able to screw around with the site.

Durithyll: seriously yall!? MY site!

Roake: well, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't exactly have a site, i mean, at least no purpose behind the site.

Durithyll: ...Roake, go be smart else where.

Daiyori: (looking quite smug) ha. moron.

Roake: (looking rather amused)

Durithyll: dude, i'm just trying to comment on Liv's site, can you guys just--

(At that moment, Jacob has come bursting in, dragging Komasu in by her arm)

Jacob: The calvary has arrived! and i've brought my secret weapon!


Daiyori: (looking very incredulous) Komasu?

Jacob: (grinning wildly) exactly! now watch... and prepare to be amazed!

Komasu: (looking very confused) uh, Jacob, i really need to go back and get my things! they're still scattered across the parking lot from where you -- tackled me!

Durithyll: (immediately on her feet) Jacob! leave her alone!

Jacob: (Whispers in Komasu's ear) remember what we talked about,'Su; you do me a favour...?

Komasu: (fidgets, but consents) alright... (whispers back) but i want it this week. i'm serious!

Jacob: (pats her on the back) my my, 'Su, such an extortionist! (smiles) very proud.

Komasu: (frowns a little, glancing over at Jacob)

Daiyori: Hey! what are you guys whispering about!

Jacob: (nudges Komasu forward) go get em!

Komasu: (fidgeting with her hands, she slowly crosses the floor to stand in front of Durithyll)

Durithyll: (looking very confused)

Komasu: um... D... (looking down at her feet) so, i was thinking, and... well, being able to play around on the site could be a lot of fun... (quickly looks to Durithyll) but if that's too much trouble, i mean, i would completely--

Durithyll: (wraps her arms around Komasu) aw, Su! its alright! you can help me with the site all you want!

Komasu: oh! (blushes) thank you, D! are you sure it's not too much trouble?

Durithyll: course not!

Komasu: (glances over at Jacob)

Jacob: (silently claps and mouths "beautiful")

Daiyori: dear god. he actually did it.

Roake: i still don't understand how...

Daiyori: Jacob finally corrupted Komasu! OUR, sweet, innocent Komasu!

Durithyll: (completely oblivious to the diabolical plot that Jacob managed to rope Komasu into, and didn't hear Roake and Daiyori)

Jacob: (grabs the laptop) well, if you guys are preoccupied, i'm going to go attack the guest book.

The Crew
8/4/2010 09:40:18 am


Tiku: Oh, shut up!! We could update this site faster than you two idiots!!

Julieanna: Yeah, maybe, by picking fights with each other!

Tiku: (shrugs) Hey, an update is an update. No matter how violent.

Mowo: Omigosh did you see?! Zatannii's spamming our Guest Book!! EEP! How adorable!!

Tiku: AGAIN. Your boyfriend is RIGHT THERE. I mean, it's not like he MIGHT see it, but we're TALKING TO HIM.

Mowo: (pokes her tongue out) I know that. Jakey just needs to learn to get along with Zatannii if he wants to keep being MY boyfriend.

Nata: (places a hand over her chest) Oh, be still my heart! Is that a promise of NEVER I hear?!

Tiku: (grins) I do believe it is!

Mowo: (glances between them) What? What did I say?

Livi: (sighs) Mowo, sweetie, dipwad... Jacob is NEVER going to be able to tolerate Zatannii for five seconds. ESPECIALLY not with you in the room, because Zatannii knows he can screw with Jacob by flirting with you.

Julieanna: (eye roll) Oi. Am I the only one who can see what a disaster this is going to turn into?

Livi: (perks up) Hey! We've never picked a fight with the Reevers before!!

Julieanna: (looks panicked) And let's keep it that way!!

Mowo: But it would be AWESOME! And Zatannii would be sooooo hooooooot...



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