Legends of the Lair
Tiku: (jumps back from the keyboard) Holycrapwhatthehelldidido?!

Nata: Omigod! (pounces on the laptop) I think you fixed it!

Tiku: ...I did?

Nata: Yes! We're back on Weebly! That's our site!! WE WIN!!

Tiku: Oh, heck yes!!


Nata: (starts typing and clicking as fast as she can) Okay, okay... we've got to get back to taking over the site before Livi catches us. Or is she still letting us have it?

Tiku: (shakes his head) She claims it was in a moment of rage. She wants it back and she wants us off.

Nata: Well, we'll have to fix that.... okay, lessee... where's the story she was posting?

Tiku: Is that it?

Nata: Bingo! (click click click) Oi, I HATE these freaking links! It doesn't even work!

Tiku: Here... (click click click) I find it very sad that we're taking a page out of Durithyll's book.

Nata: I know... Oi... And she's still updating her site quicker than us!!

Tiku: Oh yeah? Not for long... we'll fix that.

Nata: Right. We'll have to constantly be working on site stuff, and making it PERFECT!

Tiku: But, of course. There, link fixed.

Nata: Great. What else do we need?

Tiku: Uuuhhh... Banners. Lots more banners. And Mowo's working on an Art Page.

Nata: Okay... Livi was doing some new banners (click click) Crap! They're not done yet!

Tiku: Oi. Maybe she'll finish them tomorrow.

Nata: ...OR... we could get MOWO to finisht them? And maybe draw a couple more? Hm?

Tiku: Ahh... an excellent idea!


Mowo: WHat? (run sinto the room) Oh! You got the site working!

Tiku: Yeah, no thanks to YOU. After you went and lost that damn password, we had to figure out a way to hack onto the site!

Nata: And... (click click click) There. Password changed.

Tiku: ...what if Livi gets on?

Nata: We'll tell her its a virus.

Tiku: And she won't notice the site randomly updating itself? With pictures in Mowo's art style and blogs featuring the two of us?

Nata: ...shut up! I changed the password! We can get on and she can't! We can do whatever we want!

Mowo: Whatever we want? Fun! What do we do first?

Nata: What do we always do? (grins mischeviously) Harass the Residents.

Alright you dirt-poor fleabags! We're back online, and now Livi can't stop us! So, of course, things will be back to normal soon! Normal being us with the quicker updates, more pages, more art, and most importantly, making fun of you losers! Because, OBVIOUSLY we are the supierior high-class with our money, expensive house, gorgeous cars, wonderful outfits, enormous mansion, of which you have NOTHING. No money. Crap cars. Shitty clothes. And a cramped apartment. Congratulations, you're all the biggest losers I've ever met.

Nata: (smiles) There. If that won't pick a fight, nothing will.

Ps. OH! We totally just fixed the archives page! It
9/28/2010 10:32:55 am

So... I was really bored... So I decided to creep. :)

9/28/2010 11:20:05 am



Moolatte XD
9/28/2010 11:43:05 am


Moolatte XD
9/29/2010 11:44:55 am

I also have no arms or legs.

Just call me vegetable.

10/4/2010 11:09:36 am

ha! evan! now i have a face to that annoying little nuisance! so weird!

10/4/2010 11:44:02 am

Jacob: (currently in possession of the laptop) Come on! who does that little douche thing he is!?

Daiyori: Now who are you yelling at this time? (to Roake) Hurry up.

Roake: (sighs as he turns back to the microwave, currently in the process of reheating some chicken leftovers from the night before)

Jacob: That jerk-ass Tiku!

(Outside, there is the sound of flurrying wings and a sudden insistent banging on the porch door)

Komasu: (had been ignoring everyone as she worked on college papers) i think Durithyll got locked out.

Daiyori: (turns back around) She has keys.

Roake: (sets the now-heated plate down in front of Daiyori along with the salt and pepper) It might help if you learned how to use the microwave yourself. you may end up like Durithyll.

Daiyori: GAWDno. please, don't say that.

Durithyll: (still banging on the door)

Daiyori: you've got KEYS!

Durithyll: (huffs, then bangs even louder)

Daiyori: (rolls his eyes dramatically and starts eating)

Roake: is it safe to assume no one's going to let her in?

Daiyori: probably.

Komasu: I'll let her in.

Daiyori: pshsh. she can go around.

(as soon as Komasu unlocks the door, Durithyll has charged in)

Durithyll: (very indignant) since when have we been locking this door!?

Komasu: uh, since you saw that special on apartment murders on TV?

Durithyll: ...oh. then never mind. lock doors good. (peeks around Komasu to see Jacob furiously typing away on the computer)

Durithyll: What's he so -- YOU BEST NOT BE HACKING MY SITE!

Jacob: Come on, D! Must you always assume?

Durithyll: yes! i must!

Jacob: Well, for your information, i'm just getting SICK and TIRED of those douche's jerking us around!

Daiyori: by "douche's," i assume that doesn't include Mowo?

Jacob: course not! She's--

Durithyll: whoa whoa wait! did they call us poor again!?

Jacob: yes!

Durithyll: gimme that! (snatches the laptop, going over what Jacob wrote)


At least we're not a bunch of lazy, worthless fags living off of one spoiled bitch of a cash cow. Yeah, we may live in a shitty apartment, but at least we worked for it! None of you have ever worked an honest day in your life! I'll give you Tiku, but even then, you were just Princess Bitch's booty call. No worries there -- you had guaranteed provision.

Besides slug-ass, we all CONTRIBUTE! We WORK! Komasu's PAYING her way through college! I turned some junkie on the side of the road into a sweet ass car! I built that car! not some fancy Italian with a stick up his ass! Wait until you EARN your easy living before you rub your handouts in a real man's face.

10/9/2010 04:23:27 pm

TECHNICALLY, that (^^) post was by Moolatte.
Evan's not smart enough to string together that many words.

10/11/2010 09:59:04 am

hmm. very true. but i at least knew that the "moolatte" comments were actually from Evan. XD

10/12/2010 10:46:23 am

Wrong again!

They were by me. :D

10/16/2010 10:14:30 am

well FINE! just make things COMPLICATED why dontcha!

The Crew
10/23/2010 11:20:00 am

(Tiku pounces on the computer)

Tiku: DAMN! I thought she'd never leave!!

Mowo: I know!! When's the last time we got on here?

Tiku: Forever and a half a go!! Ashi... the Residents responded already!

Nata: (jerks the computer away) GIVE ME THAT!! I'll handle this moron...

Alright, look! You wave your hard work around all you want. You can fix a shitty car--WHOOP-DE-DO!! Just how much effort do you think it requires to RUN A FREAKING KINGDOM!? Tiku? Booty-call? As if. Tiku's a warrior, and a damn good one. I aughtta send him over there to kick your ass--not a bad idea now that I think of it.

Oh, how sweet, you all work! Some of us do to!! Lessee we--

Nata: (whispering to the other two) Who the hell actually works over here?

Mowo: Uh, like, no one.

Nata: that's not helpful! I need shit to make Jacob mad!

Annoyance: (slips in) Oh, there's my favorite trouble-makers! The Lair seems unusually boring today... what are you all up to?

Tiku: Harassing the Residents.

Annoyance: (smirks, cracking her knuckles) I knew I came to the right place... (holds out a hand) Lemme see.


Annoyance: (flops down on the couch) Lemme show you how its done, sweetheart.

Lets all just sit back and throw this into perspective a minute, shall we? Material objects aside--who needs those? Money is the source of all evil, am I right? Whats life all about--friendship and family! Everyone go aww, I just did a sappy moment!

And of course, you'll never find a more tightly-knit family than the Crew! Livi and I are the closest of sisters--we agree on everything! We worked together to raise little Matsie-baby from a hatchling! Could anyone be more loving? And look at Acenerik! They're so close we've combined the names! You'll never catch one without the other! They're always looking out for each other--always saving each other. What about the Kabuchians here? They're always lumped into one group! Look how they're working together like this! We all just love the hell out of each other ove--

Tiku: Who the hell do you think you're kidding?

Annoyance: (slaps a hand over the mic) Shh! It'll hear you!!

Tiku: Well, I'm serious! You're not fooling anyone with this shit! Its all lies and you know it!

Annoyance: Is not!

Mowo: Is too!

Nata: Not helping, idiot!!

Annoyance: Alright, whatever! You got a better argument?


Nata: Can we keep calling them poor?

Annoyance: (sighs) No. They'll just keep up with their "We're such hard workers" crap no one cares about.

Mowo: (hesitantly raises a hand) ...can I say something? About the friendship?

Annoyance: That ship's about sailed, but alright, what is it?

Mowo: We don't... we aren't mean... like... those other two.



Annoyance: Hey she's right! We may be hell on each other sometimes, but we're a hell of a lot better than Zatannii and Boredom!! Eat that losers!!

10/31/2010 04:17:41 am

I ALWAYS make things complicated. I enjoy being frustrating, yo.


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